วันอังคารที่ 10 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2558

Sentinel LDK : What is new in the Sentinel LDK 7.4 GA

Sentinel LDK 7.4 GA : ในเวอร์ชั่นใหม่นี้ จะมีอะไรใหม่ๆ เรามาดูกัน

This version has brought various new features and enhancement on the old feature that can certainly grab prospect/customer’s attention. Would like to share some highlight here,

- Sentinel HL Drive microSD: As you know, we used to have Sentinel HL driver key earlier with flash memory up to 4 GB (a limited one). That is going to be replaced with the new key called Sentinel HL drive microSD. Sentinel HL Drive microSD was tested with microSD cards ranging in size from 2GB to 64GB and manufactured by various brands, including SanDisk, Lexar, Transcend and others. SafeNet expects any cards that comply with the microSD specifications to be compatible.

- Fallback to V-Clock If RTC Battery is Depleted: Earlier, If the battery for the real-time clock on a Sentinel HL (Driverless configuration) Time or NetTime key is depleted, the key is no longer accepted for time-based licenses. But now, You can configure a Sentinel HL Time or NetTime key to allow protected applications to switch automatically to the integral V-Clock on the Sentinel HL key. If the real-time clock on the Sentinel HL key stops operating, the protected applications will continue to run.

- Envelop enhancement for Android application: Sentinel LDK Envelope now encrypts the entire DEX file for an Android application, that includes a complete source file (and methods) protection This provides an additional layer of security for the protected application.

- Windows 10 is Now Supported.

For more detail on the changes in this version, please refer attached Release Note. 

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